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America the Beautiful poem written on a wall in the Cox Corridors of the U.S. Capitol.

History & Discoveries

Capitol Lyrics: "America the Beautiful"

The lyrics of this patriotic song are found easily at the U.S. Capitol.
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History & Discoveries

The Original Olmsted Trees

By capitol grounds | April 26, 2024

Celebrating the history of tree planting and tree preservation at the U.S. Capitol Grounds by highlighting some of the oldest trees on the grounds.

History & Discoveries

Jefferson Finds Capitol Inspiration in City of Light

By franklin bradley | April 12, 2024

Thomas Jefferson, inspired by skylights he saw in Paris, prevailed upon the Architect of the Capitol to include something similar in the U.S. Capitol's new chamber for the House of Representatives. However, all the skylights came to an untimely end.

History & Discoveries

Evolution of Women in Art at the U.S. Capitol

By michele cohen | March 12, 2024

An in-depth look at the evolution of women in art at the U.S. Capitol. First appearing primarily as allegorical figures representing ideals, not individuals. Later, as women took on more prominent positions in society and won basic rights, greater opportunities and visibility have led to more.

History & Discoveries

Capitol Illumination

By franklin bradley | March 6, 2024

The Architect of the Capitol makes the U.S. Capitol Dome, an enduring symbol of democracy recognized throughout the world, visible to all throughout the night. Learn more about the history of lighting this iconic building including the part of the Dome called the "tholos."

History & Discoveries

Artfully Yours, George Washington

By erin courtney | February 22, 2024

Our first president had a significant impact on the nation and, while George Washington never actually graced the halls of the United States Capitol, his presence, influence and even his likeness, is everywhere. Approximately 35 pieces of art include Washington's likeness in the U.S. Capitol.

History & Discoveries

Unearthing Capitol Hill's Buried History

By kristen frederick | October 25, 2023

Visit Congressional Cemetery and discover the many connections the Architect of the Capitol has to this hallowed ground.

History & Discoveries

How Two Tiny "Houses" Ended Up on the National Mall

By Madeleine Lucchetti | October 10, 2023

The pencil-like shape of the Washington Monument, the grand pediment of the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol Dome are all emblematic shapes of Washington, D.C. But in addition to these architectural juggernauts, two smaller, more understated buildings on the National Mall often draw the eye.

History & Discoveries

A Most Magnificent Ruin: The Burning of the Capitol during the War of 1812

By aoc curator | August 1, 2023

In retaliation for Americans burning the Canadian capital at York (Toronto) on April 27, 1813, British troops would later descend on Washington, D.C., setting fire to much of the city. Follow the path the British took in 1814 to burn the U.S. Capitol and learn more about damage done to this historic building.

History & Discoveries

Capitol Lyrics: "America the Beautiful"

By sarah davis | July 3, 2023

The lyrics of this patriotic song are found easily at the U.S. Capitol. Once inside the building, a portion of "America the Beautiful" by Katharine Lee Bates can be found written in the Cox Corridors of the south wing. It is also played every July 4th from the Taft Memorial and Carillon.

History & Discoveries

Leaves of Green: Capitol's Mature Trees Offer Big Payouts

By Madeleine Lucchetti | April 28, 2023

This Arbor Day, we celebrate the Capitol Grounds and Arboretum team's continued efforts to preserve and protect Olmsted's legacy — one of longstanding stewardship that's paying off every day.

History & Discoveries

Meigs' Miniatures: The Story of the Tiny Doors in the U.S. Capitol

By erin nelson | December 23, 2022

Guesses for what is behind the Capitol Building's smallest doors are as varied as the architectural details that encompass the Capitol campus. The correct explanation for their existence involves Christmas Eve, the Library of Congress and engineer Montgomery Meigs.

History & Discoveries

How The Capitol Crypt Got Its Name

By aoc curator | December 14, 2022

Is anyone buried in the U.S. Capitol? The term "crypt" has long referred to a space beneath the main floor of a church or a chamber in a mausoleum. For many of us it suggests somber, stony silence and perhaps dusty coffins. The Capitol Crypt, however, is a different thing altogether.

History & Discoveries

Haunted Halls of Congress: 5 Creepy Capitol Legends

By erin courtney | October 31, 2022

Given that the United States Capitol was once expected to be the final resting place for George Washington, replete with a crypt, should we be surprised that multiple Capitol-related ghost stories exist? Discover the myths, mysteries and folklore of this historic American building.