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Behind the Scenes
Senate Office Moves
Every two years, the Senate Office Buildings jurisdiction takes on one of its biggest responsibilities, the Senate election-year office moves.
Behind the Scenes
House Office Moves
The Architect of the Capitol's (AOC) House Office Buildings jurisdiction is heavily involved in the corresponding work — this includes overseeing the lottery process for suite selections to moving all of the affected offices.
Behind the Scenes
AOC Moves the House Office Buildings Storerooms
Every two years, citizens across the country elect or re-elect members of the House of Representatives, who then come to Washington, D.C., to move into their offices. The Architect of the Capitol moves thousands of boxes, supplies and unique items among the members' storerooms.
Behind the Scenes
Teaming Up for Accessibility
See how a team of tradecrafts experts at the Architect of the Capitol transform an office in the Cannon House Office Building into a completely wheelchair-accessible suite in less than four weeks. The condensed timeframe required precise planning and coordination efforts.