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Date | Vice President (President) |
Location | Oath Administered By |
January 20, 2021 | Kamala Harris (Biden) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the the Supreme Court of the United States |
January 20, 2017 | Michael Pence (Trump) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States |
January 20, 2013 | Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Obama) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States |
January 20, 2009 | Joseph R. Biden Jr. (Obama) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | John Paul Stevens, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 2005 | Richard Cheney (Bush) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives |
January 20, 2001 | Richard Cheney (Bush) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1997 | Albert Gore Jr. (Clinton) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1993 | Albert Gore Jr. (Clinton) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Byron R. White, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1989 | J. Danforth Quayle (Bush) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 21, 1985 | George H. W. Bush (Reagan) |
Publicly in Rotunda, U.S. Capitol | Potter Stewart, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1985 | George H. W. Bush (Reagan) |
Privately in North Entrance Hall, White House | Potter Stewart, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1981 | George H. W. Bush (Reagan) |
West Front, U.S. Capitol | Potter Stewart, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1977 | Walter F. Mondale (Carter) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives |
December 19, 1974 | Nelson A. Rockefeller (Ford) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice |
December 6, 1973 | Gerald R. Ford (Nixon) |
House Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice |
January 20, 1973 | Spiro T. Agnew (Nixon) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice |
January 20, 1969 | Spiro T. Agnew (Nixon) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | Everett M. Dirksen, Minority Leader of the Senate |
January 20, 1965 | Hubert H. Humphrey (L. B. Johnson) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives |
January 20, 1961 | Lyndon B. Johnson (Kennedy) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives |
January 21, 1957 | Richard M. Nixon (Eisenhower) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | William F. Knowland, U.S. Senator |
January 20, 1953 | Richard M. Nixon (Eisenhower) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | William F. Knowland, U.S. Senator |
January 20, 1949 | Alben W. Barkley (Truman) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | Stanley F. Reed, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court |
January 20, 1945 | Harry S. Truman (F. D. Roosevelt) |
South Portico, White House | Henry A. Wallace, retiring Vice President |
January 20, 1941 | Henry A. Wallace (F. D. Roosevelt) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | John N. Garner, retiring Vice President |
January 20, 1937 | John N. Garner (F. D. Roosevelt) |
East Portico, U.S. Capitol | Joseph T. Robinson, U.S. Senator |
March 4, 1933 | John N. Garner (F. D. Roosevelt) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Charles Curtis, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1929 | Charles Curtis (Hoover) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Charles G. Dawes, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1925 | Charles G. Dawes (Hoover) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Albert B. Cummins, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1921 | Calvin Coolidge (Harding) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Thomas R. Marshall, retiring Vice President |
March 5, 1917 | Thomas R. Marshall (Wilson) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Willard Saulsbury, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1913 | Thomas R. Marshall (Wilson) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Jacob H. Gallinger, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1909 | James S. Sherman (Taft) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Charles W. Fairbanks, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1905 | Charles W. Fairbanks (T. Roosevelt) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | William P. Frye, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1901 | Theodore Roosevelt (McKinley) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | William P. Frye, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1897 | Garret A. Hobart (McKinley) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Adlai E. Stevenson, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1893 | Adlai E. Stevenson (Cleveland) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Levi P. Morton, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1889 | Levi P. Morton (B. Harrison) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | John J. Ingalls, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1885 | Thomas A. Hendricks (Cleveland) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | George F. Edmunds, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1881 | Chester A. Arthur (Garfield) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | William A. Wheeler, retiring Vice President |
March 5, 1877 | William A. Wheeler (Hayes) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Thomas W. Ferry, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1873 | Henry Wilson (Grant) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Schuyler Colfax, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1869 | Schuyler Colfax (Grant) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Benjamin F. Wade, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1865 | Andrew Johnson (Lincoln) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Hannibal Hamlin, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1861 | Hannibal Hamlin (Lincoln) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | John C. Breckinridge, retiring Vice President |
March 4, 1857 | John C. Breckinridge (Buchanan) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | James M. Mason, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 24, 1853 | William R. King (Pierce) |
Cuba | William Sharkey, U.S. Consul |
March 5, 1849 | Millard Fillmore (Taylor) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | David R. Atchison, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1845 | George M. Dallas (Polk) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | William P. Mangum, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1841 | John Tyler (Harrison) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | William P. Mangum, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1837 | Richard M. Johnson (Van Buren) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | William Rufus King, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1833 | Martin Van Buren (Jackson) |
House Chamber, U.S. Capitol | John Marshall, Chief Justice |
March 4, 1829 | John C. Calhoun (Jackson) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Samuel Smith, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1825 | John C. Calhoun (J.Q. Adams) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | Andrew Jackson, U.S. Senator |
March 3, 1821 | Daniel D. Thompkins (Monroe) |
Thompkins' residence, New York | William P. Van Ness, U.S. District Judge |
March 4, 1817 | Daniel D. Thompkins (Monroe) |
Senate Chamber, Old Brick Capitol, (1st & A Sts., N.E.; site of present Supreme Court Building) | John Gaillard, President pro tempore of the Senate |
Elbridge Gerry (Madison) |
Presented a certificate on May 24, 1813, as having taken the oath as prescribed by law | John Davis, U.S. District Judge | |
March 4, 1809 | George Clinton (Madison) |
No record of his having taken the oath | |
March 4, 1805 | George Clinton (Jefferson) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | John Marshall, Chief Justice |
March 4, 1801 | Aaron Burr (Jefferson) |
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol | James Hillhouse, President pro tempore of the Senate |
March 4, 1797 | Thomas Jefferson (J. Adams) |
Senate Chamber, Congress Hall, Philadelphia | William Bingham, President pro tempore of the Senate |
December 2, 1793 | John Adams (Washington) |
Senate Chamber, Congress Hall, Philadelphia | John Langdon, President pro tempore of the Senate |
April 21, 1789 | John Adams (Washington) |
Federal Hall, New York City | John Langdon, President pro tempore of the Senate |