AOC employees are responsible for the care and preservation of more than 100 varieties of trees and bushes planted around the U.S. Capitol, as well as outdoor sculptures including monuments, memorials and water features.

Browse the highlights below or learn more about the trees on campus.

American Forests Tree

Text of the Plaque

Senate Parks and Building
Commemorative Tree

Quercus palustris
(Pin Oak)

Anne Frank Tree

This tree was grown from a sapling of the original horse chestnut tree that grew behind the Anne Frank residence in Amsterdam.

Arbor Day Founder Tree

U.S. Capitol Grounds memorial tree to honor the 100th anniversary of J. Sterling Morton, Founder of Arbor Day; and the bicentennial of George Washington.

Asian American Achievements Tree

U.S. Capitol Grounds commemorative tree sponsored by Rep. Frank R. Wolf to honor contributions and achievements of Asian Americans to American Business, Culture and Society.

Bertie H. Bowman Tree

A tree honoring the life and service of Bertie H. Bowman, longest-serving African American congressional staffer.

Blair Centennial Tree

U.S. Capitol Grounds tree in commemoration of the centennial of Blair, Nebraska, sponsored by Representative Glenn Cunningham in 1969.