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Two trees from the original 1912 gift from Japan were transplanted to the Library of Congress in 1922.
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Quercus phellos (Willow Oak) Sponsored by: Rep. Anthony C. Beilenson To Honor Representative Gerry E. Studds Dedicated on December 5, 1996
Text of the Plaque Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Carya illinoinensis 'Pawnee' (Pawnee Pecan) Sponsored by: Sen. Charles W. Stenholm To Honor The State of Texas and Its Delegation Members Dedicated on November 4, 1996
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Magnolia grandiflora (Southern Magnolia) Sponsored by: Sen. Trent Lott To Honor The State of Mississippi Dedicated on April 12, 1986
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Pinus strobus (Eastern White Pine) Sponsored by: Sen. George J. Mitchell To Honor The State of Maine Dedicated on October 5. 1994
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Commemorative Tree Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Lightfoot To Honor The State of Iowa's Sesquincentennial Dedicated on June 6, 1996
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Prunus persica 'Bell of Georgia' (Belle of Georgia Peach) Sponsored by: Rep. Charlie Norwood To Honor The State of Georgia Dedicated on July 27, 1998
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Commemorative Tree Acer rebrum (Red Maple) Sponsored by: Sen. John Warner To Honor The Centennial of Society of American Foresters Dedicated on November 27, 2000
Plaque Text U.S. Capitol Grounds Memorial Tree Quercus muehlenbergii (Chinkapin Oak) Sponsored by: Senator Al Gore Jr. To Honor The Late Senator John Heinz Dedicated on April 3, 1992
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) Sponsored by: Speaker Thomas S. Foley To Honor The Retirement of Representative Robert H. Michel Dedicated on November 29, 1994
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Quercus phellos (Willow Oak) Sponsored by: Rep. J. Dennis Hastert To Honor Former Representative Norman F. Lent Dedicated on September 13, 2000
Plaque Text U.S. Capitol Grounds Commemorative Tree Quercus rubra (Northern Red Oak) To Honor the Service of Representative Ben L. Erdreich in The House of Representatives From 1983-1993 Dedicated on October 24, 1994
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Cedrus deodara (Deodar Cedar) Sponsored by: Rep. Wally Herger To Honor Former Representative Gene Chappie Dedicated on May 26, 1993
Plaque Text U.S. Capitol Grounds Memorial Tree Quercus macrocarpa (Bur Oak) In Memory of Rep. Phil Burton Sponsored by: Rep. Nancy Pelosi Planted: April 28, 1993 Replanted: April 27, 2016
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Pyrus calleryana (Callery Pear) Sponsored by: Mr. Paul Gaetano Cavicchia To Honor Peter A. Cavicchia Dedicated on June 3, 2002
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Buildig Memorial Tree Ulmus x (Hybrid Elm) To Honor The U.S. Senate Page School Dedicated on June 14, 1991
Plaque Text U.S. Capitol Grounds Memorial Tree Tilia cordata 'Greenspire' (Greenspire Littleleaf Linden) To Honor The Late Louis Bean, L.A.R. Sponsored by: Sen. Wendell H. Ford April 28, 1993
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Malus x zumi (Zumi Crabapple) Sponsored by: Sen. John Warner To Honor J. Kenneth Robinson Dedicated on April 15, 1991
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Prunus x yedoensis (Yoshino Cherry) Sponsored by: Sen. Trent Lott To Honor Legislative Clerk for the Senate, Scott Bates Dedicated on November 5, 1999
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Metasequoia glyptostroboides (Dawn Redwood) Sponsored by: Sen. Gordon J. Humphrey To Honor Ms. Christa McAuliffe Dedicated on April 23, 1990
Plaque Text Ssenate Parks and Building Memorial Tree Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) Sponsored by: Rep. Nick J. Rahall II To Honor Sharon Kaye 'Cher' Brooks Dedicated on August 6, 1999
Memorial tree on the U.S. Capitol Grounds dedicated in 1989 to honor the 20th anniversary of the Chaplaincy of the House.
Plaque Text U.S. Capitol Grounds Commemorative Tree Prunus yedoensis 'Pendula' (Weeping Yoshino Cherry) Om Shanti (I Am Peace) Tree Planted In Honor of Brahma Kumaris Dadi Prakashmani June 10, 2000
Plaque Text Senate Parks and Building Commemorative Tree Quercus palustris (Pin Oak) Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Sarbanes To Honor The 125th Anniversary of American Forests Dedicated on September 26, 2000
The female figure of the Spirit of Justice is represented by a figure likened to Pallas Athene, the great civic goddess who was also wise in the industries of Peace.
The male figure of the Majesty of Law is portrayed as one who instills reverence for the law and typifies supreme authority and great dignity.
A tree honoring the life and service of Bertie H. Bowman, longest-serving African American congressional staffer.
Sixteen columns in the small Senate rotunda of the U.S. Capitol feature tobacco capitals designed by Benjamin H. Latrobe, then modeled and carved by Francisco Iardella. A different tobacco motif designed by Thomas U. Walter is also used in the capitals of the 28 columns in the Hall of Columns .
This sweetgum was grown from the array of different seeds that flew nearly 270,000 miles from Earth and circled the moon aboard the Orion spacecraft.
The bur oak has been recognized as the state tree of Iowa since 1961 and it stands as a timeless symbol of longevity, resilience, stability and strength. This tree, appropriately located on the Senate side of the U.S. Capitol Grounds, honors Senator Grassley's service in the U.S. Senate.