Last fall, the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) established AOC University under the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer to better align workforce training needs with current and future agency work requirements. The new organization was created by restructuring the former Training and Employee Development Branch (TED), formerly under the Human Capital Management Division. The goal of AOC University is to provide employees with a one-stop-shop for professional development and career growth, and to support the AOC Human Capital Strategic Plan to encourage a culture of continual learning and development.

AOC University encourages learning through a variety of teaching materials that make learning easy and accessible anytime, anywhere, in a variety of formats. AOC University learning tools are found in AOC Learn under "Training Opportunities." AOC Learn is a learning management system that includes online courses, informational videos and agency-sponsored training. In addition, AOC employees also have 24/7 access to a large suite of on-demand personal and professional development online training courses, books and other resources through Percipio, a comprehensive learning platform provided by AOC University. Both learning platforms are easily accessible and contain a vast array of courses that allow employees to guide their own personal and professional development to achieve success in their present and future.

The talented and diverse AOC University team is led by Chief Learning Officer Peggy Almanza and is supported by newly hired staff and former members of the TED branch. The team took time out from their busy schedules to talk about their work and their goals for this new organization.

A person giving a presentation to a group.
Peggy Almanza welcomes participants to the AOC University Aspiring Leaders Program.

Peggy Almanza, Chief Learning Officer

Q: Can you explain what a Chief Learning Officer (CLO) does?

A: As the CLO, I am dedicated to providing strategic guidance to develop, support and maintain high-quality learning and development opportunities that foster the growth and development of the AOC's workforce.

Q: What was your first job at the AOC and what brought you here?

A: I started at the AOC in September 2010 as the TED Branch Chief within the Human Capital Management Division. I came to the AOC because I wanted a new challenge in my career, and I was eager to collaborate with employees of many different areas of expertise all in one agency. I served in that role until transitioning into the Chief Learning Officer position in 2022 within AOC University. It has been an exciting time to lead the former TED Branch into the newly created AOC University, and I am thrilled to be serving in this new role as AOC University's first CLO.

Q: What is the best advice you can give to someone who is just starting at the AOC?

A: Ask questions and learn from others, network with your colleagues, and get involved wherever you can. AOC employees have a wealth of knowledge and experience, and I learn from others each and every day. Asking questions, networking with others, and getting involved can provide an opportunity to experience the camaraderie and encouragement that comes from being a part of the AOC team.

Betsy Johnson, Training Program Director

Q: Tell me about your role at AOC University?

A: As the Training Program Director, I am responsible for the Training and Employee Development Operations, which include all aspects of training development, delivery, evaluation and management including Leadership and Management training, Career Development and General Skills training.

Q: What is your favorite part of the job?

A: There is nothing else more rewarding than seeing someone else succeed, and it means so much to me to know that we play a role in helping them succeed and develop. We recently relaunched the Career Development series, which consists of two workshops that assist employees with the AOC's application process, resume writing and interview preparation. Additionally, AOC University recently announced the pilot Aspiring Leaders program, which provides training and development opportunities for nonsupervisory/non-lead AOC staff at all levels to grow and succeed.

Q: What is the best thing about being part of the AOC University team?

A: Being part of a team that supports employees in achieving their career goals. We have a great team that supports each other and are happy to assist in empowering employees to grow and succeed. As a new organization, we are a small team that supports the AOC, and every day I am in awe with the hard work and commitment to excellence our team displays. They truly go above and beyond to help and support all AOC employees.

Bessy Plaza, Training Specialist

Q: Do you have a favorite class or book available at AOC University that you recommend?

A: There is a course "Telling a Business Story" in the AOC Learn Percipio platform I would recommend to anyone that wants to present data or business concepts in a different way. It has been quite some time that "Who Moved My Cheese? An A-Mazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life" came out about change with the characters Hem and Haw. I recommend "I Moved Your Cheese: For Those Who Refuse To Live as Mice in Someone Else's Maze." This is a short read but now you question the maze.

Q: What do you feel is your team's biggest strength?

A: Our biggest strength as the AOC University team is the experience and talent we bring to the office. You can see this in a brainstorming session or in a working meeting. The ideas and out-of-the-box thinking can be a refreshing pace to work on a concept or situation.

Jessica Garcia, Training and Learning Coordinator

Q: What are your goals as the training and learning coordinator for AOC University?

A: As the AOC's first ever Training and Learning Coordinator, I am excited to see how the position can expand. My first goal is to continue to make the learning management system, AOC Learn, user-friendly and robust with courses and development opportunities. I truly believe as we continue to customize AOC Learn, we will be able to accommodate the unique needs of our AOC workforce. My goal is to ultimately have an online system where employees can explore and recognize their learning needs and aspirations at-a-glance and intuitively.

Q: What is the most popular class or classes at AOC University?

A: Many employees have taken a liking to the Career Development series, once known as the CareerPath series. The series features two live courses centered around the AOC application process and interviewing as an internal candidate. I have assisted in producing for both courses through webinar and can certainly say they are a fan favorite.

Q: What is your favorite part of the job?

A: I can honestly say the people. I really enjoy helping others and feel fulfillment when I am able to impact a person's training and experience in a training. As we continue to develop AOC Learn and other systems, I feel through my experience here and the relationships we have developed, we are continuing to advocate and express needed content and system services for the workforce. I am so proud of the work we have accomplished thus far and feel genuine happiness for the impact it has had on helping employees with their training needs.

Suzanne Mead, Communications and Outreach Specialist

Q: How would you describe AOC University in three words?

A: Innovative, empowering and personal.

  1. Innovative: It is a new way to approach organizational development for both the individual employee and the organization.
  2. Empowering: It provides employees with the opportunity to improve their current skills, develop new skills to make a career change, and prepare for future challenges in their current position as the AOC moves forward.
  3. Personal: It enables the employee to select the type of training that best suits their learning style.

Q: What do you think are the top three skills that everyone should have to succeed in any job? How can you use AOC University to work on those skills?

A: Communication, time management and computer skills.

  1. Communication: Employees must be able to communicate in a clear, effective and efficient way.
  2. Time Management: Employees need to have the ability to use their time productively and efficiently.
  3. Computer Skills: Employees should have the capability to utilize computers and technology effectively.

Percipio provides many types of training to improve these skills. An employee could listen to an audiobook like, "Mastering Communication at Work, Second Edition: How to Lead, Manage, and Influence," while they are commuting to and from work. An employee could also take a course, "Expert Insights on Time Management," when they have approval from their supervisor to take the course during their tour of duty. Lastly, an employee could take a skill bench-mark for Word 365. This evaluates their proficiency and recommends courses for knowledge gaps.

Jeremy Wiles, Safety Training Specialist

Q: How long have you been with the agency and what brought you here?

A: I have been with the AOC for two and a half years. Prior to coming to the AOC, I worked at the Department of Health and Human Services, where I served as the Operations Director at the Federal Occupational Health (FOH) Training Center for 13 years. At FOH, I conducted Environmental Health and Safety classes, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) office inspections, and General Services Administration food inspections for various government clients, including the AOC. When the opportunity to come work at the AOC became available, I could not pass it up.

Q: What does a safety training specialist do?

A: I provide OSHA and environmental training classes to AOC employees, which helps the AOC meet regulation requirements. I also assist jurisdictions with scheduling training that I am unable to provide.

Q: Why is safety training import-ant for the AOC? Is there a safety training, book or class in AOC University that you recommend for all staff?

A: Safety training is not only important for AOC employees, but also a requirement. It provides employees with knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs safely. It also provides employees with information on how to identify and report hazards in the workplace. If I were to recommend one class that I feel all AOC employees would enjoy and benefit from, it would be the Adult First Aid/CPR/AED class that the AOC offers through the American Red Cross.

Martha Little, Program Support Specialist

Q: How would you describe AOC University in three words?

A: New, exciting and potential. As a new organization I think it is exciting to be in the building stages and be able to see how my input and work will shape it.

Q: What do you think are the top three skills that everyone should have to succeed in any job?

A: I think the top three skills to have in any job are effective communication, the ability to work with a team and organization. These three skills can make working and transitioning into new positions smoother and create a smoother path for future interactions. Communication is usually a starting point that will set your work performance. Being able to be clear about your expectations and being able to convey what you need clearly is very important no matter what position you are in.  


Looking forward to a great all season championship effort of excellence that we all bring to the table when we work together at are very best team performance. Thank you for all your extra efforts they are greatly appreciated and recognized.Congratulations Team!!!

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