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House Hearing Room Renovation
Rayburn Room 2172 recently underwent renovations that include a refurbished wall-to-wall audiovisual (AV) system, a custom dais and several improved accessibility features.
A House for All Seasons
More than 140 years later, the Architect of the Capitol's Summerhouse still offers visitors respite. Recent maintenance efforts will help keep the site around for repeat visitors and first timers alike.
The AOC Never Paints Itself Into a Corner
An in-depth look at the most recent phase of the Capitol Building Paint Analysis and Plaster Repairs project.
Group Project: The Russell Building Courtyard
The Russell Senate Office Building courtyard was recently restored as a supplement to the Russell Exterior Envelope Project.
It’s always interesting to see how other specialty trades perform their work. Metal roofing is a unique trade all by itself. Great work!
From a retired Pipe Fitter this is a great moment to remember the work I have done and enjoying the construction industry. The work of a Sheetmetal mechanics is hands-on plus the mental knowledge to do complex work. My hat is off to this skilled trade.
That last section was put in a year before I was born. GREAT JOB guys! I am also a Plumber/Pipe Fitter and like to see tradesman do it and do it right!
This is so cool reminds me of the time I worked for a roofing company and had to replace someones roof which hasn't been replaced in almost 100 years!_x000D_ _x000D_ -Rich
As an ARCHTIECT I would point out the difference in old and new Cooper. Old COOPER was not as pure as what we get now and ages much slower as the impurities contribute to the aging. They also are contribuite to the pitting.
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