Below are examples of women artists with works featured in the United States Capitol and Congressional office buildings.

Podcast Episode: Meet the Artists
This podcast is part of the Shaping History: Women in Capitol Art series created by the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. Listen below to hear about the women artists and women historical figures depicted in the art of the Capitol.
Conversations with Deborah Copenhaver Fellows and Artis Lane
Download the transcript or read more about this episode.
Artists and Their Work(s)
Locations for works in public areas are provided. See also: Women in Art
Ames, Sarah Fisher (1817-1901)
- Marble bust of President Abraham Lincoln
Senate wing, third floor, east corridor
Beaux, Cecilia (1863-1942)
- Portrait of Sereno E. Payne, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee
Brisbine, Margaret Preble (1901-1970)
- Portrait of Royal C. Johnson, Chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee
- Portrait of John E. Rankin, Chairman of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee
Brown, Betty Beaumont (1913-1993)
- Portrait of William M. Colmer, Chairman of the House Rules Committee
Buba, Joy Flinsch (1904-1998)
- Bronze statue of Dr. Florence R. Sabin
Hall of Columns
Burdette, Hattie E. (1875-1955)
- Portrait of Senator John Langdon
Senate wing, third floor, south corridor
Cadwalader-Guild, Emma (1843-1911)
- Bronze bust of President William McKinley
S-216, President's Room
Comas, Nilda M. (1953-)
- Marble statue of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune
National Statuary Hall
Dimmitt, Kathryne Cooksey (1910-1996)
- Portrait of Samuel J. Randall, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee
Drew, Dorothy Hart (1910-1994)
- Portrait of George A. Dondero, Chairman of the House Public Works Committee
Dunbar, Anna Glenny (1888-1980)
- Bronze bust of Walter G. Andrews, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee
Edmonds, Esther (1888-1976)
- Portrait of James L. Orr, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Edwards, Kate Flournoy (1877-?)
- Portrait of Philip P. Barbour, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Escobar, Marisol (1930-2016)
- Bronze statue of Father Damien
Hall of Columns
Fassett, Cornelia Adele (1831-1898)
- Painting Electoral Commission of 1877, (The Florida Case)
Senate wing, third floor, east corridor
Portrait of James A. Garfield, Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee
Fellows, Deborah Copenhaver (1948– )
- Bronze statue of Barry Goldwater
National Statuary Hall
Fraser, Laura Gardin (1889-1966)
- Marble relief portrait of Colbert
House Chamber over the gallery doors - Marble relief portrait of Edward I
House Chamber over the gallery doors - Marble relief portrait of Papinian
House Chamber over the gallery doors
Goodwin, Frances M. (1855?-1929)
- Marble bust of Vice President Schuyler Colfax
Senate Chamber Gallery
Hale, Ellen Day (1855-1940)
- Portrait of John G. Carlisle, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Harlan, Roma C. (1912-2003)
- Portrait of Senator Kenneth Spicer Wherry
Hartley, Elaine
- Portrait of Mary T. Norton, Chairwoman of the House District of Columbia Committee (District of Columbia Committee abolished and jurisdiction switched to House Government Reform and Oversight Committee)
Hergesheimer, E. Sophonisba (1873-?)
- Portrait of Joseph W. Byrns, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Herndl, Maria (1860-1912)
- Stained glass, "George Washington Memorial Window"
- Stained glass circular skylights
S-313A, Senate Press Gallery
Jacobson, Yolande (1921-1998)
- Bronze statue of Patrick A. McCarran
Hall of Columns
Johnson, Adelaide (1846-1955)
Lane, Artis (1927- )
- Bronze Bust of Sojourner Truth
Emancipation Hall
Margolin, Miri (1917–2013)
- Bronze Bust of Raoul Wallenberg
Emancipation Hall

Mason, Jimilu (1930–2019)
- Marble bust of Constantino Brumidi, Italian artist who decorated the Capitol
Brumidi corridor, Senate wing, first floor - Marble bust of Vice President Lyndon Johnson
Senate wing, second floor, east corridor
Mears, Helen Farnsworth (1878-1916)
- Marble statue of Frances E. Willard
National Statuary Hall
Mimnaugh, Terry (1956- )
- Bronze statue of Jeannette Rankin
Emancipation Hall
Morrell, Imogene Robinson (1818-1908)
- Portrait of Senator John Dix
Nevin, Blanche (1838-1925)
Newman, Willie Betty (1864/5-1935)
- Portrait of John Bell, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Ney, Elisabet (1833-1907)
- Marble statue of Stephen F. Austin
Hall of Columns - Marble statue of Sam Houston
National Statuary Hall
Parker, Margaret (1947- )
- Tapestry, Night in the Forest
Peale, Sarah Miriam (1800-1885)
- Portrait of President Milliard Fillmore (attributed)
Polk, Rebecca (1858-?)
- Portrait of James K. Polk, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Pugh, Mabel (1891-1986)
- Portrait of Herbert Bonner, Chairman of the House Merchant Marine & Fisheries Committee (Marine & Fisheries Committee abolished and jurisdic-tion switched to three different committees. Merchant Marine functions: National Security Coast Guard functions: Transportation & Infrastructure Fisheries and endangered species functions: Public Lands and Resources.)
- Portrait of Harold D. Cooley, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee
- Portrait of Clifford R. Hope, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee
Putnam, Brenda (1890-1975)
- Marble relief portrait of Maimonides
House Chamber over gallery doors - Marble relief portrait of Solon
House Chamber over gallery doors - Marble relief portrait of Tribonian
House Chamber over gallery doors
Ransom, Caroline L. Ormes (1838-1910)
- Portrait of Joshua R. Giddings, member of the House of Representatives
- Portrait of John W. Taylor, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Raymond, Evelyn
- Bronze statue of Maria L. Sanford
Emancipation Hall

Ream, Vinnie (1847-1914)
- Bronze statue of Samuel J. Kirkwood
Hall of Columns - Marble statue of President Abraham Lincoln
Rotunda - Bronze statue of Sequoyah
National Statuary Hall
Ross, Wendy (1949- )
- Bronze bust of Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson
Russell Senate Office Building, northwest elevator lobby
Satrom, Charlen Jeffery (1939 - )
- Portrait of Don Young, Chairman of the House Resource Committee
Scholz, Belle Kinney (1890-1959)
- Bronze statue of Andrew Jackson
Rotunda - Bronze statue of John Sevier
National Statuary Hall
Shourds, Dalton (1935- )
- Portrait of John W. Flannagan, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee
- Portrait of Hampton P. Fulmer, Chairman of the House Agriculture Committee
Silvercruys, Suzanne (1898-1973)
- Bronze statue of Eusebio F. Kino
Emancipation Hall - Marble bust of Joseph W. Martin Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives
House wing, second floor, main corridor
Sparrow, Louise Kidder (1884-1979)
- Plaster bust of Theodore Burton, member of the House of Representatives and Senate
Spencer, Jean Van Vliet (1904?- )
- Portrait of Daniel Alden Reed, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee
Sprung, Sharon (1953- )
- Portrait of Jeanette Rankin, first woman elected to Congress
- Portrait of Patsy Mink, first woman of color and first Asian-American woman elected to Congress
House Connecting Corridor, first floor
Stanton, Lucy M. (1875-1931)
- Portrait of Howell Cobb, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Vonnoh, Bessie Potter (1872-1954)
- Marble bust of James S. Sherman, Vice President of the United States
Waite, Emily B. (1887-1980)
- Portrait of Philip J. Philbin, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee
Whitney, Anne (1821-1915)