The Supreme Court Building and Grounds jurisdiction operates and maintains the U.S. Supreme Court Building and the Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building.

The Architect of the Capitol (AOC) is responsible for the structural and mechanical care and maintenance of the U.S. Supreme Court Building and its grounds, performing these responsibilities under the direction of the Marshal of the Supreme Court. The AOC provides care, maintenance, minor construction and capital project support to the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in the Marshall Building on a reimbursable basis.

Need Assistance?

Contact the AOC Supreme Court Building and Grounds Facilities Office at 202.479.3219.


Supreme Court Building and Grounds Projects

Our Stories

Supreme Court Building and Grounds Work

A talented employee of an Architect of the Capitol sheet metal shop.


Skillful Craftmanship

We serve in diverse roles applying both modern techniques and historical tradecrafts in the care and preservation of the Capitol campus.

Areas of Expertise