Recognizing the trust placed in us by Congress and the American people, the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) team is committed to providing a safe and inspiring experience for all who visit and work at this cherished symbol of democracy.

The AOC's fiscal year (FY) 2023 priority projects are focused on imminent needs. In his written testimony Blanton emphasized security and safety throughout the Capitol campus, "Funding will support the lifespan of the facilities as well as address critical needs ranging from preserving priceless artwork to replacing roofs, installing emergency generators and improving campus security... Life and safety issues are high on the list."

FY 2023 budget request highlights include:

  • Capitol Security Comes First
  • Tackling Deferred Maintenance with Modern Tools
  • Maintaining a Safe Environment for All
  • Pushing Past the Pandemic

Read the written testimony.

Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the Architect of the Capitol (EventID=114679)

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