Date Vice President
Location Oath Administered By
January 20, 2021 Kamala Harris
West Front, U.S. Capitol Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the the Supreme Court of the United States
January 20, 2017 Michael Pence
West Front, U.S. Capitol Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
January 20, 2013 Joseph R. Biden Jr.
West Front, U.S. Capitol Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States
January 20, 2009 Joseph R. Biden Jr.
West Front, U.S. Capitol John Paul Stevens, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 2005 Richard Cheney
West Front, U.S. Capitol Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives
January 20, 2001 Richard Cheney
West Front, U.S. Capitol William H. Rehnquist, Chief Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1997 Albert Gore Jr.
West Front, U.S. Capitol Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1993 Albert Gore Jr.
West Front, U.S. Capitol Byron R. White, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1989 J. Danforth Quayle
West Front, U.S. Capitol Sandra Day O'Connor, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 21, 1985 George H. W. Bush
Publicly in Rotunda, U.S. Capitol Potter Stewart, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1985 George H. W. Bush
Privately in North Entrance Hall, White House Potter Stewart, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1981 George H. W. Bush
West Front, U.S. Capitol Potter Stewart, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1977 Walter F. Mondale
East Portico, U.S. Capitol Thomas P. O'Neill Jr., Speaker of the House of Representatives
December 19, 1974 Nelson A. Rockefeller
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice
December 6, 1973 Gerald R. Ford
House Chamber, U.S. Capitol Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice
January 20, 1973 Spiro T. Agnew
East Portico, U.S. Capitol Warren E. Burger, Chief Justice
January 20, 1969 Spiro T. Agnew
East Portico, U.S. Capitol Everett M. Dirksen, Minority Leader of the Senate
January 20, 1965 Hubert H. Humphrey
(L. B. Johnson)
East Portico, U.S. Capitol John W. McCormack, Speaker of the House of Representatives
January 20, 1961 Lyndon B. Johnson
East Portico, U.S. Capitol Sam Rayburn, Speaker of the House of Representatives
January 21, 1957 Richard M. Nixon
East Portico, U.S. Capitol William F. Knowland, U.S. Senator
January 20, 1953 Richard M. Nixon
East Portico, U.S. Capitol William F. Knowland, U.S. Senator
January 20, 1949 Alben W. Barkley
East Portico, U.S. Capitol Stanley F. Reed, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court
January 20, 1945 Harry S. Truman
(F. D. Roosevelt)
South Portico, White House Henry A. Wallace, retiring Vice President
January 20, 1941 Henry A. Wallace
(F. D. Roosevelt)
East Portico, U.S. Capitol John N. Garner, retiring Vice President
January 20, 1937 John N. Garner
(F. D. Roosevelt)
East Portico, U.S. Capitol Joseph T. Robinson, U.S. Senator
March 4, 1933 John N. Garner
(F. D. Roosevelt)
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Charles Curtis, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1929 Charles Curtis
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Charles G. Dawes, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1925 Charles G. Dawes
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Albert B. Cummins, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1921 Calvin Coolidge
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Thomas R. Marshall, retiring Vice President
March 5, 1917 Thomas R. Marshall
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Willard Saulsbury, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1913 Thomas R. Marshall
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Jacob H. Gallinger, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1909 James S. Sherman
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Charles W. Fairbanks, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1905 Charles W. Fairbanks
(T. Roosevelt)
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol William P. Frye, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1901 Theodore Roosevelt
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol William P. Frye, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1897 Garret A. Hobart
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Adlai E. Stevenson, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1893 Adlai E. Stevenson
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Levi P. Morton, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1889 Levi P. Morton
(B. Harrison)
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol John J. Ingalls, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1885 Thomas A. Hendricks
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol George F. Edmunds, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1881 Chester A. Arthur
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol William A. Wheeler, retiring Vice President
March 5, 1877 William A. Wheeler
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Thomas W. Ferry, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1873 Henry Wilson
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Schuyler Colfax, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1869 Schuyler Colfax
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Benjamin F. Wade, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1865 Andrew Johnson
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Hannibal Hamlin, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1861 Hannibal Hamlin
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol John C. Breckinridge, retiring Vice President
March 4, 1857 John C. Breckinridge
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol James M. Mason, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 24, 1853 William R. King
Cuba William Sharkey, U.S. Consul
March 5, 1849 Millard Fillmore
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol David R. Atchison, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1845 George M. Dallas
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol William P. Mangum, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1841 John Tyler
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol William P. Mangum, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1837 Richard M. Johnson
(Van Buren)
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol William Rufus King, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1833 Martin Van Buren
House Chamber, U.S. Capitol John Marshall, Chief Justice
March 4, 1829 John C. Calhoun
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Samuel Smith, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1825 John C. Calhoun
(J.Q. Adams)
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol Andrew Jackson, U.S. Senator
March 3, 1821 Daniel D. Thompkins
Thompkins' residence, New York William P. Van Ness, U.S. District Judge
March 4, 1817 Daniel D. Thompkins
Senate Chamber, Old Brick Capitol, (1st & A Sts., N.E.; site of present Supreme Court Building) John Gaillard, President pro tempore of the Senate
  Elbridge Gerry
Presented a certificate on May 24, 1813, as having taken the oath as prescribed by law John Davis, U.S. District Judge
March 4, 1809 George Clinton
No record of his having taken the oath  
March 4, 1805 George Clinton
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol John Marshall, Chief Justice
March 4, 1801 Aaron Burr
Senate Chamber, U.S. Capitol James Hillhouse, President pro tempore of the Senate
March 4, 1797 Thomas Jefferson
(J. Adams)
Senate Chamber, Congress Hall, Philadelphia William Bingham, President pro tempore of the Senate
December 2, 1793 John Adams
Senate Chamber, Congress Hall, Philadelphia John Langdon, President pro tempore of the Senate
April 21, 1789 John Adams
Federal Hall, New York City John Langdon, President pro tempore of the Senate

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